A friend of mine got married this year and I was excited to be at her bridal shower the week before her white wedding. One word if I’d want to describe her– sound! She’s sound at making decisions about her life and how she wants to live it.

Interestingly, I had a conversation with her this morning and all I kept doing was nodding my head repeatedly in agreement to the deep thoughts she was sharing with me on relationships. It was obvious she’d grown tremendously as a married woman and this goes beyond matters on marriage or relationships. Now imagine a sound young girl still gaining wisdom through her life experiences. You’ll definitely want somebody like that for a mentor; the kind you can call up to run things by.

In the next couple of days, LEAP Africa would like YOU to share with us THE MOST insightful, most important, thought provoking, maybe earth shattering lessons your taking away from the year 2016. We’ll also be sharing ours with you (particular in the areas that address the issues we care most about) as we look forward to closing out the year 2016 with a BANG!

What will you take with you into the NEW YEAR! Have you thought about it?

Here’s lesson 101: No one is in charge of your happiness but you.


Don’t forget to leave a comment below 🙂

2 thoughts on “Lessons from January-December 2016

  1. I would like to share my experiences so far providing students with school materials that would inspire them to learn.
    I reside in Benue state, particularly Ugbokolo an area in Okpokwu local govt. We have in different societies within the locality public schools. These schools have pupils who’s parents care less about their children’s education or cannot afford the private schools around. The public schools over here is a skeleton without a hope for flesh, roofs are worn out, pupils use their tiny laps as table and seat on wood logs as chairs, i mean a place were students are repeatedly flogged for not having for not having pen to write or note books, we @ David’s Lighthouse Foundation saw the gap and decided to make a change, we provided pen, pencils and also went to different secondary schools to sensitize them about life challenges, we thought them to say NO to cultism, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse and we taught the on how to maintain a positively high self esteem.
    1. Until you decide to act, thousands would seat and waste, if you have an idea and you don’t act its like a bow without an arrow, Don’t procrastinate.
    2. Passion should prevail all challenges, Being passionate about them (students) made me do it
    3. Hundreds of people we join you to impact lives only if you act, people love some things but will never do them cause they don’t have a leader to stair them up…You Can Create a Change, It begins with you.


    1. Amazing! Thank you for sharing David.”Until you decide to act, thousands would seat and waste, if you have an idea and you don’t act its like a bow without an arrow, Don’t procrastinate”…That’s absolutely true! Keep up the good work and keep learning 🙂


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