TOP Five Reasons You Should VOTE: Listen to LEAP’s radio Jingle for the 2015 Elections

1. One vote really does make a difference. Your vote can determine the course of legislative and executive action. Don’t underestimate it.

2. It’s your money. Your selection of representatives ultimately determines the allocation of resources for a range of public services. Not only should you vote for the candidate you believe most effective but it is your duty to make him or her accountable once in office.

3. Voting promotes change. It is our opportunity and responsibility to make a difference in our communities, lives, and our children’s future. Our representatives play a vital role in determining the level of support for health care, college funding and small business financing, among other areas.

4. It’s your public duty. Your franchise is your voice; it is the basic role that you play in a democratic society. You will only be allowed to complain about the situation of you country if you play YOUR role. You only get this much power once.

5. Voting is tied to your occupational advancement and personal wealth. The only way to welcome progress and enjoy the maximum benefit of democracy is to ensure that you VOTE. Political leaders can influence policies and legislation related to minimum wage, fair employment practices, pay equity, health insurance and workplace safety on the national, state and local level. These issues impact your career advancement and your pocketbooks.

So find a comfortable spot this February at your designated location to cast your vote… Don’t let anyone discourage you.

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